Afghani chicken Recipe | अफगानी चिकन कैसे बनाएं

 The Rich Flavors of Afghani Chicken

Afghani cuisine is known for its bold and rich flavors, and Afghani chicken is no exception. This dish is a staple in Afghan households and is enjoyed by people all over the world. In this blog, we will explore the history of Afghani chicken, the ingredients used, and how to make this delicious dish at home.


Afghani chicken is a popular dish that is made with a variety of spices and herbs. The dish is known for its tender and juicy chicken, which is marinated in a blend of spices and yogurt. The marinade is what gives the chicken its unique flavor and aroma.

History of Afghani Chicken 

Afghani chicken has its roots in Afghanistan, where it is a staple in most households. The dish has been passed down from generation to generation, and each family has its own unique recipe. Over the years, Afghani chicken has become popular in other parts of the world, including India, Pakistan, and the Middle East.

Afghani chicken

Ingredients | अवयव

• Onion/ प्याज -1 large

• Garlic/लहसुन  - 3-4 cloves

• Green chilli/हरी मिर्च - 4-6 as required

• Ginger/अदरक - small piece

• Coriander leaves/धनिया  - handful

• Mint leaves/पुदीना  -1/4 cup

• Almonds/बादाम  - 4-6

• Cashew nuts/काजू -7-8

• Yogurt/दही - 1tbps

• Water/पानी -100ml

• Garam masala - 1tbsp

• Cumin powder/जीरा चूर्ण -1/4 tsp

• Chicken - 1 kg

• Cream -100g or 100-150ml

• Butter

• Cardamom/इलायची  -2

• Bay leaf /तेज पत्ता 1

• Cinnamon sticks/दालचीनी -1 small pieces

• Kasturi methi

How to Make Afghani Chicken |अफगानी चिकन कैसे बनाएं

- Blend the first 10 ingredients until it make smooth paste.

- Add the marinade to chicken and let it rest for 1-2 hour.

- In a pan melt some butter, add the whole spices and now fry the chicken until 90% done.

- Take out the chicken and rest of the merinade along with some water( add water to the blender and use it) combine well, now add some cream and mix until it's combined.

- Now add chicken, cook on the medium flame for 10 minutes or until gravy thickens, garnish some kasthuri methi and serve.

- पहले 10 सामग्री को तब तक ब्लेंड करें जब तक कि यह स्मूथ पेस्ट न बना ले।

- चिकन में मैरिनेड डालकर 1-2 घंटे के लिए रख दें

- एक पैन में थोडा़ सा बटर पिघलाकर उसमें सारे मसाले डाल दें और अब चिकन को तब तक फ्राई करें.

- चिकन और बाकी मैरिनेड को थोड़े से पानी के साथ निकाल लें (ब्लेंडर में पानी डालें और इसका इस्तेमाल करें) अच्छी तरह मिलाएं, अब इसमें थोड़ी क्रीम डालें और मिक्स होने तक मिलाएं।

- अब चिकन डालें, मध्यम आंच पर 10 मिनट या ग्रेवी के गाढ़ा होने तक पकाएं, कुछ कस्तूरी मेथी से गार्निश करें और सर्व करें.

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