Delicious Mango Pudding Recipe Without Gelatin - Perfect for Kids

 How to Make Mango Pudding Without Gelatin


Mango pudding is a delicious and refreshing dessert that is perfect for any occasion. However, many recipes for mango pudding call for the use of gelatin, which can be a problem for those who are vegetarian or vegan. In this blog post, we will show you how to make a delicious and creamy mango pudding without using gelatin.

Mango pudding 


  • 2 ripe Alphonso mango
  • 1/2-1/3 sugar depending on mango sweetness
  • 4 tbps corn flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • Chopped ripe mango for garnish
  • Fresh mint sprig for garnish


1. Peel the Alphonso mango. Roughly chod them and transfer them to the blender. Remove all the pulp and add sugar, 1 cup milk and blend to a fine paste.

2. Take corn flour in a bowl, add remaining ½ cup milk and mix till well combined.

3. Heat the mango, mix stirring continuously till it comes to boil.

Add salt and corn flour- milk mixture and continuously mix and cook for 2-3 minutes or till the mixture thickens little. Switch the heat off.

4. Squeeze the juice of lemon and mix well. Transfer the mixture to greased (with oil ) individual molds and allow the mixture to cool.

5. Place the molds into the refrigerator 4-6 hours or till set completely.

6. Gently de-mould the pudding on to an individual serving plate. Garnish them with chopped mango and mint sprigs.

NOTE : please don't over cook the mango mix after adding corn flour or else it might get very thick and lumpy.

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